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[EE 4.2 ] Rashmi Kumari, Dr. Maurvi Vasavada

Digitalized waste management, a way towards sustainable Development- A case study of Steel City Jamshedpur

DOI:Corresponding Author Details Name- RASHMI KUMARI EMAIL- rashmish0626@gmail.com Phone no- 8092088131 Affiliation- Social science and humanities

[EE 3.2] Pooja Verma, Kanchan Joshi, R.K. Singh

River Projects on the Ganges: Their impact and View of the Local Populace of Varanasi

DOI:Pooja Verma poojalkouni19@gmail.com 918787210500, Department of Social Work University of Lucknow, Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh

[EE 3.1 ] Ajeet Singh, C Satheesh Kumar

Rural Youth and Agriculture: Perception, Problems and Priorities

DOI:Name – Ajeet Singh Email – ajeetmswpu@gmail.com Phone Number – 9455376643, 8840583665 Affiliation – Research Scholar, Department of Social Work, Pondicherry University

[SS 2.6 ] Annu Biswas

Inter-relation of Personality, Impulsivity and Internet Consumption on Sexual Attitude among the Youth

DOI:Ms. Annu Biswas, Email: annumjj@gmail.com Phone: +91 8584065751 Assistant Professor, Department of Psychology, School of Liberal Arts and Management, DIT University, Dehradun

[SS 2.5 ] Kanchan Joshi, Tushar Singh

Social Work Education and E-learning during COVID19: Challenges and Prospective

DOI:Name- Kanchan Joshi Email Contact- kanchanjoshi9409@gmail.com Phone Number- 7860627274 Affiliation- Department of Social Work, University of Lucknow

[SS 2.2] S. Vajeeha Bhanu, Prof. K. Anuradha

Promoting Self -Efficacy and Adjustment among Adolescents in Difficult Circumstances

DOI:Name : S.Vajeeha Bhanu Email Contact :shaik.vajeeha786@gmail.com Phone Number :9966917937 Affiliation:Sri Padmavati Mahila Visvavidyalayam(Women’s University),Tirupati,Chittoor dt,AP.

[CM 1.14] Vidhita Sinha, Dr. Hitesh Parmar

An empirical study on factors affecting purchase intention for natural frozen food products- A way to healthy and sustainable life in today busy life.

DOI:Vidhita Sinha 9265099187 Email id: vidhita.sinha@gmail.com Assistant Professor, Faculty of Management Studies, Ganpat University

[CM 1.3] Pooja Sharma, Tushar Singh

A Study of Women Empowerment through Self Help Groups in the Rural Areas of Shimla & Solan Districts of Himachal Pradesh CM 1.3, CM 1.3

DOI:Name: Pooja Sharma Email ID: pooja77777sharma@gmail.com Phone Number: 9816602202 Affiliation: IGNOU

[CM 1.6] Ms. Divya Kumari, Dr. Abhishek Parikh, Dr. Kundan Patel, Dr. Narayan Baser

Negative Pressure Induced Droplet Generation in a Microfluidic Flow-focusing Device CM 1.6, CM 1.6

DOI:Ms. Divya Kumari divyaagrawal.da97@gmail.com 9649812581 Research Scholar, GUNI-FMS, Ganpat University, Gujarat