Journal Articles

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Digitalized waste management, a way towards sustainable Development- A case study of Steel City Jamshedpur

River Projects on the Ganges: Their impact and View of the Local Populace of Varanasi

Rural Youth and Agriculture: Perception, Problems and Priorities

Inter-relation of Personality, Impulsivity and Internet Consumption on Sexual Attitude among the Youth

Social Work Education and E-learning during COVID–19: Challenges and Prospective

Promoting Self -Efficacy and Adjustment among Adolescents in Difficult Circumstances

An empirical study on factors affecting purchase intention for natural frozen food products- A way to healthy and sustainable life in today’s busy life.

A Study of Women Empowerment through Self Help Groups in the Rural Areas of Shimla & Solan Districts of Himachal Pradesh CM 1.3, CM 1.3

Negative Pressure Induced Droplet Generation in a Microfluidic Flow-focusing Device CM 1.6, CM 1.6